Sunday, January 6, 2013

Selling Art on Etsy

I'm going to veer off the beaten path and talk about life for a second. Today I'm 30 years old. It's past 12 AM and I'm not soundly asleep as perhaps I ought to be. The reason isn't that I'm excited for my Birthday or turning 30. No. I'm excited because I got my first sale from a complete stranger on Etsy. It's a fantastic feeling. The sale was for 20 dollars and after I ship the print I'll have made a whole 12 dollars. But that's not what's exciting me. Even though, YES, I can really use that 12 dollars right now, what excites me is the possibilities. Less than a week ago I wished that for my Birthday I could make a sale. Any kind of sale. Something that showed me I was moving in the right direction with my career. Miraculously when I checked my e-mail tonight there it was and I couldn't be more delighted by it!

I'm also excited because today I put into motion something I've been working on for a couple months now. I wasn't sure at the time how I would make it work. But I did it anyways because I knew there would be a place for my idea somehow someway. Today I listed my first board game. A new take on an old game. The New Snakes and Ladders Championship Edition is my first attempt at creating original concept board games. The thing is that I honestly ridiculously enjoy creating games. So right now on my shop you can find the listing here .

It's incredibly rewarding to see put into motion an idea you've had for a long time. I very much plan to add more! Art makes me happy. :)

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